80 days

Here’s the deal:
I stumbled into the blog world a bit late in the game – around January 2011. And by my last birthday I set this whole Buns on the Run blog up. I’ve officially had this up and running for more than a year, am a whole year older, and yet only have a handful of entries. Pathetic.
The other deal:
It’s called Buns on the Run, because the goal (est. 2006 truthfully) has been to become that runner gal, to finally bring this vision to reality. The goal is concrete. The willpower, motivation, the gumption, however… well I simply haven’t found it. Despite my incessant blog stalking, nutrition reading, organic loving, to-do list making, plotting, promising, planning, yoga-ing, life hasn’t changed the way I’ve hoped it would regarding to getting my buns’a’running, literally and blogiterally (it’s a word).
One more thing:
I’d also hoped to document my journey to wedded bliss on here. Fail.
Hence the 80 days:
I’ll be doing some serious vow talking in exactly that many days. What the crap?! This year has flown by, and I’m unsure how summer is nearing its end. But I am sure that I have pounds I want to lose, confidence I want to gain and miles I want to run in this 80 days before our wedding. It’s all I want. So, what is stopping me? I don’t know, and while I care. I don’t have time to sit and figure it out while eating refined carbs and stupid amounts of sugar.
Suddenly, I feel all FDR in this entry. Ha. Laugh, because it’s funny.
I’ll blog for the next 80 days. It’s Aug. 1, a new month, a new beginning. I might even tell a few people I do this. I’m sick of fearing what people will think of me, or judge for incorrect punctuation, grammar, thoughts. As Rachel Wilkerson says, “Sorry I’m not sorry.” Ah, but that’s for another post.
And I’ll lose some weight. I ain’t making promises to hit the gym every single day, or run so many miles each week or even steer clear from empty calories for the next two-plus months. (I have to note though, my fiance and I did give up Huey’s cheese fries back in June. That is a super sacrifice since we were addicted to them. We’ll make up for lost time on our wedding night. Yes, there will be cheese fries.) Anyway, there’s no definitive plan. Move more, eat less, more water, more veggies, less lazy, more crazy about fitness and health.
Because I don’t want to regret not getting my crap together in time for the wedding. I don’t want to wish I’d spent more time on the Treadie, or spent less time eating carbs. I want to be confident in how I look in those pictures. I want to be the princess I’m meant to be on that day, and start married life on the healthiest note possible. And I want to clear these hurdles, realize my potential, exceed my own expectations and be an overall bad mamajamma.

So, strap in kids. It’s gonna be one AHmahZing ride.

One thought on “80 days

  1. Ginny G says:

    Finding the time and motivation for working out is so hard. I played basketball in high school and had no choice but to workout 5-6 days a week. Then when it was over, it all ended, abruptly! Here I am, more than 10 years later and 80 ish pounds heavier and the working out has come and gone and not been consistent. And it sucks! I feel your pain.

    I am an emotional eater. And it’s hard to control. Especially when the girls are fussy and all I want to do is run in my room and lock the door and eat whatever I can find. It’s something I have to keep in check at all times during the day. And somedays it doesn’t happen. But I’m learning to not beat myself up about it and do better the next meal and not wait until the next day!

    A month ago I wanted to start running and here I am, one day away from completing 4 weeks of running (3 days a week). I always said that I’d never run, just didn’t think it was for me. Turns out I really like it. I like it because it’s just me (and my sister right now) pounding the pavement, pushing myself. Being with someone 24/7 (husband or two baby girls at home) is draining physically, mentally and emotionally and running is a great outlet to be by myself with no one depending on me or needing anything from me. I had to sacrifice my sleep to run though. Instead of sleeping until the girls wake up, which would be about 6:30 or 7, I now wake up at 5 am on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and am running to the Couch to 5k program. My goals? To just complete the program! That’s seriously it. I’ve done 4 weeks but have repeated week 1 and week 2 in that four week time. And it turns out to be a good thing. I want to run a 5k on Nov 3 but if I’m not done with the program I’ll keep going until I complete it. In the past I’ve set unrealistic goals and too many goals. This time I knew I needed and wanted to be different. So I made the decision to just complete this program and I knew other stuff would fall into place and it truly has.

    And while all this sounds great, it takes a village! D and I wake up together on those days and he does a workout video so I can get out of the house and run. And then I meet my sister down the street (she moved 2 blocks behind us) at 5:15 and she runs with me. She keeps time and keeps encouraging me. I know I couldn’t do it without either of them pushing me and waking up with me. If it was up to me to wake up at 5 and no one was waking up with me, it would never happen. Find a buddy or two!

    You’re on the right track. It takes time and doesn’t happen overnight. You’ll have tough times. Sometimes it will feel like you have more tough times than good times. And that’s okay. Keep pushing through them. You’ll find what works for you and your lifestyle!

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